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Conferences 2023
(see also NuPECC, Triumf, JINA, DNP, WPEC, NSCL, NSCL, ANL, Nuclear Data lists, Conference Service, and DNP list of lists)Inden-LE (13-16 Feb) | Wanda23 (27 Feb - 2 Mar) | ||
Varenna23 (12-16 June) | RM2023 (19-23 June) | ||
Previous Conferences
2001/2: |
2003: |
Limits (Jan 03) | Fusion03 (Nov 03) | Niigata (Nov 03) | |
2004: |
2005: |
2006: |
2007: |
Jina School (9-22 Apr) |
NNPSS (8-21 July) |
DNP 2007 (10-13 Oct) |
2008: | JUSTIPEN (23-25 Jan) | Halo08 (27-28 Mar) | DNP08 (23-26 Oct) | KERNZ08 (1-5 Dec) |
2009: | DNP09 (13-17 Oct) | HRIBF (13-14 Nov) | ||
2010: | INPC2010 (4-9 July) | DNP10 (3-6 Nov) | NP Correlations (19-20 Nov) | |
2011 | Transfers (9-13 May) | EBSS2011 (25-30 July) | INT-Interface (8-12 Aug) | |
2012 | DREB12 (26-29 Mar) | HITES12 (4-7 June) | DNP12 (24-27 Oct) | |
2013 | ND2013 (4-8 Mar) | CNR13 (7-11 Oct) | NEMEA7 (5-8 Nov) | |
2014 | JolieFest (1-2 May) | LECM (21-23 Aug) | DNP14 (7-11 Oct) | |
2015 | INT15-58W (2-13 Mar) | Varenna (15-19 June) | DNP15 (28-31 Oct) | NDW15 (2-6 Nov) |
2016 | R-Matrix16 (27 Jun- 1 Jul) | LECM (11-13 Aug) | NDW16 (14-18 Nov) | IAEA-RM (5-7 Dec) |
2017 | M-CSEWG (4-5 May) | Rmatrix17 (28-30 June) | NDW17 (31 Oct - 9 Nov) | INDEN (18-21 Dec) |
2018 | NDREW18 (23-25 Jan) | IAEA-RM18, NDEN2 (27-31 Aug) | CNR18 (24-28 Sept) | NDW18 (5-9 Nov) |
2019 |
Wanda19 (22-24 Jan) |
WPEC19 (24-28 June) | NDW19 (4-8 Nov) | Gogny (11-15 Nov) |
2020 | Wanda20 (3-5 Mar) | WPEC20(11-15 May) | RM2020 (22-26 Jun) | NDW20 (1-4 Dec) |
2021 |
Wanda21 (25 Jan - 3 Feb) |
INDEN-LE | RM2021 | NDW21 (8-19 Nov) |
2022 | Wanda22 (28 Feb - 4 Mar) | MSUOPT22 (21 Mar - 1 Apr) | ND2022 (21-29 July) | NDW22 (31 Oct-11 Nov) |
2023 |
Journals (Surrey
Preprints: arxiv | Nuclear new; submit | VJ Nucl Astro | Hot AIR |
Papers, Talks and Posters
Halo Physics (RNB5) |
Multistep Breakup (ns2000) |
The Wavefunction (Surrey) | Breakup (INT 02) | Inaugural Lecture (Surrey) | Halo Fusion (Fusion03) |
Continuum Structures ppt (Nens03) | Resonances ppt (Msu 04) | 3-body Spectroscopy (Dreb05) | Continuum Spectro. (INT 05) |
BL (catalogue); LoC | BIDS, WoS | COPAC | Books On-line, also here | Resolve DOI |
Oxford, Britannica | BUBL Dewey, Subjects | Visuwords | Wayback |
UNEDF | SciDAC | CCA Forum | Sundials, HQP | UK Mirror |
CalculateMe conversions |
Latex Help, MacTeX | |||
Nuclear Data
IOP Nuclear Science |
Philosophy of Nature
Generative Science | The Wavefunction (Talk) |
Edges of Physics
Debunking Skeptics! | PEAR > ICRL | Science news |
Cognitive Layers | Tucson archives; VII; VIII, IX | The Onion |
My New Book | Jokes | Chris Clarke |
Ian J. Thompson I-Thompson@llnl.gov Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory PO Box 808, L-414 Tel: (1) 925 423 4978 Livermore, CA 94551 Fax: (1) 925 422 5940
The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the
i.e. Enlightenment of the rational mind is for the healing of the soul
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