Registration Form
Nuclei at the Limits of Stability
University of Surrey, 9-11 January 2003
Surname |
First Name(s) |
Name preference for badge (e.g. Mr Tony Blair or Dr Frederick Strangelove) |
Address |
Institution |
Street |
Town |
Region |
Country |
Post Code |
Tel No: |
Fax No: |
e-mail: |
Sex (tick one): Male
Workshop Costs
Includes en-suite accommodation for the nights of 9th and 10th January, all meals, refreshments and the workshop dinner
Includes as above although toilet facilities may be shared in this case
Supervisor's Signature: |
Card Number |
Expiry Date |
Signature of Cardholder |
University of Surrey - Sort Code: 60-09-50 - Acct No: 58080716 - Swift Code: NWB KTB 2L
Please quote reference 11263 SD6000 on all transfers
Refunds of fees are not possible after 6 January 2003
Send this form with cheque (if relevant) to:
Professor W Gelletly, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH, UK
- or fax with your credit card or transfer details to: 01483 686781