Second Announcement
Nuclear Structure at the Limits of Stability
A Workshop on Nuclear Structure Theory
to be held at
the University of Surrey from 9th to 11th January 2003
The Nuclear Theory Group at the University of Surrey has concentrated its efforts for many years on the study of nuclear reactions and few-body systems. Recently we have appointed two young theorists, Makito Oi and Paul Stevenson, who specialise in studies of different aspects of nuclear structure. We felt that this is an opportune time for us to host a workshop on nuclear structure theory with the aim of announcing that we are now active in the field and open to collaboration. At the same time Professor Ron Johnson, who led the group for many years, has just retired. To celebrate his achievements one of the sessions of the workshop will be devoted to talks related to his work.
During the meeting the 2002 Lise Meitner prize of the European Physical Society will be awarded to Professor J P Elliott of the University of Sussex.
The talks will cover a wide range of topics of current theoretical interest. This will include all the latest developments on the shell model, mean field models and studies of states at high angular momentum. The list of members of our International Advisory Committee can be found at IAC.html and please see Programme for the list of speakers.
The Workshop starts with lunch on Thursday 9th of January, and ends after lunch on Saturday 11th January.
University of Surrey
The workshop will be held at the University of Surrey, which is located in Guildford, Surrey, UK. It is about one hour's travel from London Heathrow and Gatwick airports and some 35 minutes by train from London Waterloo Station. Full details of how to reach Surrey can be found at
Accommodation and Meals
Included with the registration fee is accommodation on campus for two nights (9th and 10th January) in a modern, single room with private bathroom. All meals and refreshments, from and including lunch on 9th January until and including lunch on Saturday, 11th January are also included. A Workshop dinner will be held at the Clandon Regis Golf Club on the evening of Friday 10th January. Transport to and from the golf club will be provided. Bed and Breakfast accommodation is available for the evenings of 8th and 11th January, if required. Special meals can be provided on request. See the registration form.
Those wishing to attend should register as soon as possible using the registration form provided. It should be noted that .
If you require any further information please contact or
Please print the registration form, fill in your details, and post to:
Professor W Gelletly, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH, UK
Also available: Word version of this announcement.